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After particular improvements on the frame our paramotor now is compatible with two different types of attachment - "High", "Low" and "Middle".

Due to low gravity centre "High" attachment gives exceptional system stability while cruising even in turbulent conditions. "Low" attachment will be enjoyed by those, who prefer weigh shift technique while piloting or performing aerobatics. On customers demand paramotor can be ordered and supplied with both attachment systems - "High" and "Low". In that case pilot will always have possibility to chose - which attachment system should be mounted on his paramotor to fit better the planned flight.

Wight of "ready to fly" paramotor - 24,6 kg. Static thrust - from 62 kg to 77 kg (depends upon the propeller size used). For heavy loads (especially recommended for double seat paratrikes) we can offer an option producing 82-85 kg of thrust (150 cm diameter propeller cage should be ordered).





Light - as aliuminium, strong - as steel. These are unique features of titanium - material, of which our frames are made. Total weight of the frame - only 4,3 kg. It is extremely durable and stress-resistant that highy increases safety in case of unsuccessful take-off or landing.



Paramotor frame is dismountable. It can be quickly and easily disassembled into five separate parts. The frame may include 110 cm or 140 cm diameter propeller cage which, under customers demand, will be welded out of traditional or profiled titanium tubes. These are - unique features of our frame.



From the end of 2004 our paramotors are powered only by the newest engine of JPX ITALIA - Cors-Air M25Y Black Devil. This motor is the next modification of highly awarded M21Y. If compared, Cors-Air M25Y Black Devil manual start weights only 10 kg - three kilos less than M21Y. The weight of Cors-Air M25Y Black Devil electric start - 11 kg. This verson includes generator for automatic in-flight battery charge. More information about the new engine: http://www.jpxitalia.com




No exposed wires, no external connections (except battery and spark plug). Electric system of the paramotor just fits into one single box that exposes only one single on/off switch. All motor controls are designed for easy access and operation with fingers of one hand.



Paramotor assembling-in procedure and preparation for the next flight typically take just about 10-15 minutes.




Contacts:  Fly Otto Paramotors Vilnius, Lithuania, Tel.: +370 698 70245, Tel.: +370 687 40775, info@otto-paramotors.com

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